BatPass deployment report—SonoBat results summary: Kootenai NWR

Publication Type:



p.[1] (2015)

Call Number:



Big Brown Bat, California Myotis, Eptesicus fuscus, Fringed Myotis, Hoary Bat, Lasionycteris noctivagans, Lasiurus cinereus, Little Brown Myotis, Long-eared Myotis, Myotis californicus, Myotis ciliolabrum, Myotis evotis, Myotis lucifugus, Myotis thysanodes, Myotis yumanensis, Silver-haired Bat, small-footed myotis, Yuma Myotis


This page presents species identification results from sound detectors placed in a bat box that is used as a maternity colony at a Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge building. The detector was placed during maternity colony counts and began recording on 31 July 2015 and stopped recording on 2 August 2015. The total number of bat detections that could be identified to species indicated 9 species flying by: big brown bat, long-eared myotis, small-footed myotis, fringed myotis, hoary bat, silver-haired bat, little brown myotis, and Yuma myotis.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Mammals